Category Archives: Other

End of SARA 2017

SARA is already coming to his end.

During this event, we had the chance to present our range of phytopharmaceutical specialities, seeds, fertilizers and irrigation and our services.

The visitors had also the oppotunity to participate in the demonstration by our specialized technicians on the different stages of the rice processing.

In addition, the Minister Mamadou Sangafowa Coulibaly, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, did us the honor to visit our stand.

During these 10 days, at least 500 people came to our stand!

All the RMG Ivory Coast team thanks you sincerely  for your visit!

Aduanehene at Ghana National Rice Festival

Aduanehene au Ghana National Rice Festival

Aduanehene, the rice Made In Ghana, was lived at the 4th Ghana National Rice Festival – GRIB – in Accra from 3. and 4. of November 2017.

During these two days, exciting activities were proposed : funfairs, rice cooking competition, rice tasting activities etc.

4th edition of SARA from 17th au 26th November 2017

4ème Edition du SARA du 17 au 26 novembre 2017

RMG will be present at the Agri-Supply Hub of SARA, the biggest exhibition in West Africa for Agriculture and Animal Resources, which will be held from 17 to 26 November 2017 in Abidjan (Ivory Coast).


Our experts will be on hand to advise you and present you our solutions adapted to your plantations.

We look forward to welcoming you on our stand!